Introduction to Cementitious Waterproofing Membranes

Concrete is the most extensively used material in the world. It's tough, durable and versatile, and can be made into virtually any shape. This makes it a perfect material for construction of foundations, roads, tunnels, bridges, skyscrapers, dams and more.

However, concrete isn't immune to elements. One of the biggest issues facing concrete structures in the present is water penetration. Damage from water can result in corrosion and deterioration caused due to acidic substances, salts and alkalis. It also can encourage the development of mildew and mould that are toxic that put the entire structure at risk.

The most effective method to stop water from entering your concrete structures by the process of structural waterproofing. Structural waterproofing is typically used in basements and beneath-ground structures, but it is able to be applied to both interior or exterior as well as above or below-grade conditions. The process generally begins with a thorough examination of the building site along with the material used and the kinds of conditions that are likely to occur.

One of the most crucial aspects of the plan is the selection of a suitable waterproofing solution like Cementitious Waterproofing for Pipe Coating. There are many solutions to choose from however, we will review three options that we consider to be the most popular.

Bitumen materials: often referred to as asphalt, are a mix made up of organic liquids which are extremely viscous, sticky, and water-proof. When placed on buildings, specifically the roofs of buildings they provide a strong water-proofing barrier. It is also possible to be augmented by polymers in order to reduce drying times and improve resistance to pressure from hydraulics. However, bitumen has a number of negatives. For instance exposure to extreme temperatures and UV radiation significantly reduces the durability of bitumen waterproofing systems.

Liquid waterproofing membranes: Liquid membranes are polymer-based solutions that are applied by hand by using a roller trowel or by spraying onto exposed surfaces. They have a range of advantages, including their easy application and their capacity for expansion and contraction when temperatures change. The most significant benefit of liquid membranes however is that they are cured to form a seamless, rubbery layer that is free of seams and joints that allow water to enter.

Cementitious coatings: Cementitious coatings like the name suggests rely on cement-based coatings to create an impermeable barrier. They combine Portland cement and a waterproofing agent, usually polymer emulsions made from synthetic materials. They can be sprayed on top of tiles, on masonry patching as well as on concrete surfaces. Cementitious Waterproofing coatings are very popular due to the fact that they're simple to apply, provide air-tight barriers, and provide an excellent bonding power. They also work effectively in both above and below grade applications.

1K Cementitious Waterproofing

In 1K systems and systems dispersible powders are mixed with a hydraulic binder (most usually Portland cement) as well as well-graded sand or other aggregates as well as different powder additives. The mix is packaged by the manufacturer, and then mixed with water on location prior to the application.

2K Cementitious Waterproofing

In 2K systems There are two premixed parts. The powder component is composed primarily of Quartz sand as well as cement as well as various additives, such as water-soluble thickeners as well as hydrophobic agents. The liquid component is composed mainly of a specifically designed polymer dispersion that has excellent cement compatibility. Like 1K systems, 2K systems are able to be troweled, brushed or sprayed onto vertical or horizontal surfaces therefore, they too are considered to be easy and convenient waterproofing solutions.


Cementitious Waterproofing is a great option for pipe coating as it also helps in preventing corrosion and rusting among pipes. This versatile behavious makes it one of the finest solutions available in the market. 


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