Dive deep into the understanding of sealants and adhesives

Sealants and adhesives are used to connect and join various parts to the main structure. They help to fill the gaps and sometimes act as a barrier to prevent fluids/ leakages pass through. Have a look at the guide to sealants and adhesives in the article below. 

What is a polysulphide sealant and where is it used?


It is made of resins that are flexible, dynamic, easy to work, and have strong adhesive properties. There are multiple uses known for a polysulphide sealant. Some of them are presented to you below.

  1. They are used in construction sites and are known for their high resistance to sunlight salt water and general environmental factors.
  2. It is known for its strong adhesive property and is used on every construction site. 

  3. It creates a strong feeling on both sides of the surface which diminishes the risk of water leakage and erosion.

  4. It is the best choice for Marine body construction as it is not water-soluble

  5. It is a popular choice area with high rainfall. This kind of sealant ensures that no moistures leak into the building and prevents the building from getting damaged.

  6. A Polysulphide sealant completes a wide variety of tasks and is consistently used in many large industries.
  7. It is a no-brainer choice in the construction and is also used in the aviation industry.

Types of polysulphide sealant offered by IWL 

We offer two types of polysulphide sealant that are 

1. Liquiseal PSPG  It is used to fill the gap between concrete slabs in roads and Airport Tarmacs

2. Liquiseal PSGG  It is used for filling grooves in civil structures.

Epoxy - the new age waterproofing 

Epoxy is a type of polymer that is tough and Elastic. It is very high in compressive strength and is waterproof and hardened and some epoxy is carefully designed to be waterproof in itself. 

Uses of epoxy in construction

1. Creating high gloss durable coatings:  It is used to create a durable coating for both indoor and outdoor use and adds to the gloss of coatings which medium appear Shiny and appealing. 

2. Quick dry: It dries quickly and saves a lot of time on your hand. 

3. Protective coating: It acts as a protective coating and protects your walls and surfaces from all the things that can cause to damage it. 

4. Ideal adhesive: It is an ideal device and an excellent material to be used in myriad applications.

IWL- the leader in adhesives and sealants 

After understanding in detail, the uses of sealants and adhesives, you must be thinking of where to get the best adhesives and sealants. Well, we have just got the answer for you.

IWL is the leader in providing multiple adhesives and sealants. From coal tar epoxy to water-based primer we provide it all to you in assured quality and are the leaders in the field of bitumen-based waterproofing membrane and anti-corrosive tapes. We are available in PAN India and our marketing and application engineers are just a call away and available to you 24*7. We are an ISO 9001 certified company. We also assure you of promising quality and all our raw materials undergo a quality test to ensure that we do not make any product that falls short of quality standards. 

Visit our website to know more about us and our range of products.


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