What Is Bitumen & How It Contributes To Road Construction

Bitumen is a material that takes birth through the distillation of crude oil, therefore called a by-product of crude oil. The distillation process first removes the lighter crude oil components such as diesel, gasoline, and high octane fuels. When these primary products are refined out, the process leaves behind the heavier component, called tar. This tar mixture comprises hydrocarbons and a high concentration of bitumen. This bitumen is further refined to make an app waterproofing membrane, sealants, etc.

Bitumen is popular for its waterproofing and adhesive characteristics, therefore find application in the construction of roads and highways. Let us read in the following section what else makes bitumen ideal for road construction.

Why Bitumen Is Used In Road Construction?

  1. Chemical Composition

As mentioned above, bitumen is composed of hydrocarbons and a high concentration of organic materials. These components are adhesive in nature and capable of establishing robust bonds with solid surfaces at low temperatures. 

  1. Apt Melting Point 

The melting point of bitumen is around 240 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a highly favorable melting point. In other words, it is adequately low to be properly and safely used for road designs. And similarly, it is adequately low to be heated up without requiring too much energy. In high-temperature areas of the world, both bitumen and the layers of aggregate rock make roadways highly enduring and robust. 

  1. Recyclable Properties

Due to the favorable melting point of bitumen, it can be melted back to its original form. This process is termed asphalt recycling. The asphalt, which is torn up from the old roads is transmitted to the recycling plant, and not to the landfills. There, the asphalt is converted into a mixture, that can be easily measured. This mixture can then be reused in the recycled roadway mix designs. The old asphalt can also be mixed with the new bitumen and fresh aggregate rock to make a strong mixture once again. 

  1. Color Variations

The original asphalt bitumen has a black color. This color is derived from the black color of the organic material present in bitumen. However, this color can be easily changed by adding pigments of our choice. And in that case, it turns into a colored bitumen. 

The colored bitumen is more expensive than the original one, due to this addition of pigments. While another drawback of forming a colored bitumen is that a higher quantity of chemicals and other materials are added to get the desired outcome. 

  1. Economic Production & Versatility

The production of bitumen is cost-effective. During the process, both the primary products and bitumen are produced. The primary products include petrol, gasoline, diesel, and octane fuels. And after further refinement, bitumen takes form, which becomes more purified when refined further. The demand for the primary products is endless and significant, which makes the existence of bitumen long-lasting. 

Besides, bitumen is versatile enough to fulfill a number of varied road applications. Depending on the expected stress levels of the road, the bitumen properties can vary with ease, which is a great advantage.


IWL has been a leading manufacturer of bitumen waterproofing membranes and anti-corrosive tar-based pipe coating tapes such as a pypkote tape. Get in touch for any inquiries about road products, waterproofing membranes, coatings, construction chemicals, etc.

More info: https://iwlindia.com/


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