How Bitumen Waterproofing Membranes Are Applied On Roofs

Waterproofing is inevitable when it comes to safeguarding buildings from the ill effects of water. When done for a reinforced concrete roof, waterproofing membranes come in the form of sealed rolls on the construction site. This membrane is then opened, unfolded, and spread firmly on the surface using tar-based adhesives and blowtorches. The APP waterproofing membrane is one such torch-on plastomeric waterproofing membrane manufactured from bitumen. This membrane is best known for its durability and superior tensile strength and therefore is used for several constructions. 

Let us read in the following section, how these waterproofing membranes are applied on roofs.

Procedure for Applying Waterproofing Membrane On Roofs

  1. Preparing the Surface

At first, the surface is cleaned from dirt and checked for dryness. The membrane is not installed in temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, for slopes up to 3 inches, membranes are laid perpendicular to the slab. While for slopes more than 3 inches, membranes are laid parallel to the slope.  

  1. Torching

Before connecting the torch equipment, check that it's not leaking, by using soapy water. Make sure this equipment is connected properly and the hoses are in a working condition. Once it is assured, open the torch at the minimum possible setting, so that fire does not gush suddenly.

  1. Aligning the Roll

While aligning the waterproofing membrane roll, make sure that no wrinkles are formed. Also, remember to align the membrane roll properly with the surface to avoid any errors. 

  1. Installing Membrane

When the roll is laid it must be made sure that the torch fire is applied uniformly. Also, the torch fire must be slow on the roll, while laying it. 

  1. Flowing Out Compound

At the time of torching membranes on joints, it must be ensured that the gaps are properly filled. To make sure it is done, check that approximately one-inch chemical should be flowing out of the waterproofing membrane. 

If the flowing out compound is more than one inch then it means that the membrane is overheated. To set the compound properly and prevent gaps in joints. Make sure that the roller is laid over joints along with torching.  

  1. Verifying Joints Between Sheets

Stepping up, your next priority will be ensuring that the joints between the sheets are perfectly done and strong. Ensure proper adhesion of the end laps by checking all the edges of the joints. Make sure there are no air gaps formed. However, if there are any gaps, the sheets are first lifted, heated with the torch, and then sealed again using the same procedure as above. 

  1. End Laps

The ends of the sheets should be heated properly so that the bitumen starts showing on over them. To ensure a proper bond between laps, heat the underside of the membrane sheet. These sheets are overlapped three inches at the sides and six inches at the ends. This ensures proper grip, and joint and blocks any seepage. Ensure that no adjacent end laps coincide by setting apart crotched end laps by eighteen inches. 

  1. Applying Granules

Then granules are applied at the end laps and are set with the roller. 


Waterproofing is done right only when the right material is used and sourced from the right manufacturer. IWL India Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of bitumen-based waterproofing membranes and anti corrosion pipe wrapping tape. Get in touch with us for your inquiries. Visit the website to know more.


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